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Hope Bible Church is a gospel-driven, joyfully sacrificial, first fruits giving church. This means that our Elders and leadership exhort the people to obediently respond to God’s saving grace with their whole lives, including the glad offering of their finances back to God.

We believe giving:

- is an act of worship (2 cor 9:12)
- is to be from our first fruits (Prov 3:9)
- is to be done cheerfully and generously (2 cor 9:7)

We want to make it as easy as possible for our people to give generously to the Lord. You will be presented a form to fill out which will allow you to give to the Hope Kelowna ministry funds. Income tax receipts will be issued early in the new year.

Any questions regarding the budget or the financial statements can be addressed to [email protected]

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 

2 Corinthians 9:7


Worship Service

380 Leathead Rd.

V1X 2H8

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 29182 Kelowna RPO Okanagan MISS.

Kelowna BC 

V1W 4A7

Office Contact

(778) 760-5309 [email protected] 

Office Location

380 Leathead Rd.

Kelowna, BC

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