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Men's Ministry


Within our 'Group Time' ministry we offer men-only groups welcome to men of all walks and ages to study God's word in community. These are typically one hour gatherings, with high accountability. Currently our groups run on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Check out our available Men's Groups Here.



Once a year our men gather for a retreat/conference to gather in worship, fellowship and study. These are special events with musical worship, guest speakers, prayer and meals. Don't miss out on these refreshing, gospel-infused opportunities to grow in fellowship with other men seeking to grow as they follow Jesus Christ.

Women's Ministry


Within our 'Group Time' ministry we offer women-only groups welcome to women of all walks and ages to study God's word in community. These include times of fellowship and prayer. Currently our groups run on Tuesday mornings and evenings. Check out our available Women's Groups Here.



Once a year our women gather for a retreat/conference to gather in worship, fellowship and study. These are special events with musical worship, guest speakers, prayer and meals. Don't miss out on these refreshing, gospel-infused opportunities to grow in fellowship with other women seeking to grow as they follow Jesus Christ.


Worship Service

380 Leathead Rd.

V1X 2H8

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 29182 Kelowna RPO Okanagan MISS.

Kelowna BC 

V1W 4A7

Office Contact

(778) 760-5309 [email protected] 

Office Location

380 Leathead Rd.

Kelowna, BC

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